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Singer and actress Cassie Steele opens up about body image and her CD

Cassie Steele is an actress who grew up on camera. Her portrayal as "Manny Santos" on Degrassi put her on the fast track to stardom. Growing up with another passion for singing, Cassie is releasing an album which is sure to be a smash hit! Today, Cassie talks beauty, weight, and what she would be doing if she were off camera!

What is your daily beauty regimen?

I use a pretty basic face wash, just a bar soap or foaming soap. Whatever is simple and gentle. Something like ponds or normal lotion, sometimes even body lotion. If I do wear makeup around my eyes, I remove it with Make Up For Ever waterproof remover. Because I usually wear waterproof. Sometimes I use this lash strengthening stuff, because I have really long lashes. I like to take care of them and I noticed when I started using a lot of mascara when I was doing shows that they were starting to seem brittle and fell out easily. So I started using this Peter Thomas Roth critical skin care called Lashes to die for. I do that sometimes. I’m always paranoid, kind of like people with long hair that don’t want it cut. Investing in your best attributes. I try not to wear makeup if I don’t have to. Being on shows where I wear a lot of makeup, it gets tiring, and after you’re on set you start to break out from all the makeup they put on you. I try to use natural makeup. I used to use this brand called N-Vey foundation, and now I just wear Chanel, and mix it in with my lotion to make a tint, and basic powder on top of that. Otherwise I try not to wear makeup, especially here in California.

Is it any different when filming?

I have to shower more. My hair, I don’t really do anything with it. I wash my bangs because my hair has this kinky, weird texture to it, and its very rough because I surf a lot. I’ve been cutting my own hair for like 3 or 4 years and trim my bangs.

What do you get complimented on most?

My hair and my smile.

Did you always want to act and sing?

Yeah. I came from a very musical family, so I grew up singing karaoke with the family. My family said “do this” and brought me to singing lessons. I had always been writing poems and songs. I went to improv classes, not just because I wanted to act, but just because I thought it was really fun. Then I got recommended an agent, did a ton of commercials, and decided I didn’t want to do that anymore. Then I went and got another gig and started doing “Degrassi”, and it’s been really fun.

If you weren’t doing either, what would you want to be doing?

Probably something like photography or painting or writing, anything like that. Visual arts.

What’s the best beauty advice you’ve ever received?

Wash your face before you go to sleep. Also, it’s bad for your lash line. Again, I’m with the lashes. I can’t stand to watch people, or even my friends pick off their mascara, it makes me cringe.

What makes someone beautiful?

People being themselves. Someone who is easy to be with, and has no walls up. No intense baggage. When you meet somebody you can tell they are thinking about something else when they are saying something, or when they are jaded. I want to hang out with people that are good hearted and have good intentions. You can tell on peoples faces, when they smile, and what kind of person they are. It’s not hard to see on someone’s face when they are jaded or mean. They can have a beautiful face, but there’s something darker. They don’t glow as much as people who do good.

You’ve had your hair both long and short, with bangs and without, how do you prefer it?

I like my hair long, and I love my bangs. I love them because I can pin them back or keep the fringe with attitude.

Who is your beauty icon?

My mom. She’s a really really beautiful lady. She’s Philippino, she’s never colored it and has really beautiful hair. She has a beautiful face too, always moisturizing.

What do you have to say to girls who don’t think they are beautiful?

Everyone is beautiful. You shouldn’t base things off something as shallow as skin. Love people and they’ll love you right back.

Do you ever have days where you just don’t feel beautiful? If so, how do you make yourself feel better?

Of course, everyone does. I don’t think about that too often. Sometimes its like “this outfit doesn’t work” or “ugh, I’m breaking out.” To make myself feel better, I hang out with friends, go surfing, go to yoga, and really do something good for your body. And eat healthy.

What do you do to stay in shape?

I’m naturally athletic; I’m not slim by any means. I don’t try to be slim, I love food. If I try to diet for my work, it backfires and I’ll just rebel and have like 10 hamburgers in a day. I can out eat anybody. I used to be a vegetarian, and then one day I just quit. Everyday is pizza, and chicken wings. I try not to limit myself to what I eat. Just everything in moderation, obviously. I guess moderation would be the wrong word, because I really just eat everything. I go to yoga, I really love hot yoga, it’s really addictive. I love to sweat it out, it makes me feel great, and the heat keeps your muscles open. I used to do kickboxing and tae kwon do. I like rock climbing, and just walking. If I lift weights, I’ll look huge. I have to drink water, all the time. I think its obviously I don’t diet, even on the series my weight fluctuates. I’m 135 pounds and I’m 5’3. I’m happy not dieting, it made me so unhappy thinking about everything. It’s embarrassing when I’m out to eat with someone and they order a side salad, and I order a burger and fried. Then chicken wings after, if I’m really hungry. Maybe people who diet will be happy when they fit into that dress for an hour. Whatever I look like, I look like. I’m just leaving.

Moving to singing. I received your CD today, and I’ve listened to it. You have an amazing talent. When did you start singing?

My CD drops on the 21st. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll be touring. I started classical and operatic lessons when I was 8, and become an operatic singer and went to competition. I write my own music. A lot of the songs, growing up I was into writing dark stories and poems, and one day I started putting melodies to them. If I collaborated probably, with a guy group, or another band. My friend has a band called Vices from England, even to do a cover with them. Something raw.

Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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